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AeroCollect: State-of-the-art veterinary surveillance technology
With AeroCollect®, you capture and retain bacteria and viruses directly from the air quickly and efficiently. You will receive the results of your measurement within a few days.
This state-of-art veterinary surveillance technology allows you to monitor the health of your herds, optimize your production, and only initiate medical treatment when it is considered necessary after consultation with your veterinarian.
The purpose is to optimize animal welfare, production quality and reduce the use of antibiotics. Thus, benefitting you, your company, the industry as well as the welfare of your animals.
您可透過 AeroCollect® 快速且有效率地直接從空氣中捕獲並保留細菌和病毒的核酸。並可於將短時間內得到檢測結果。這種最先進的獸醫監測技術使您能夠監測畜群的健康狀況,優化生產力,並與獸醫討論後於有必要時才進行治療。目的是優化動物福利、生產品質並減少抗生素的使用。因此,對於您、公司、產業以及動物的福利皆有益處。
For unparalleled results using SYBR Green-based Qpcr
Featuring enhanced specificity, sensitivity, speed, and process safety, the QuantiNova SYBR Green PCR Kit sets new standards in SYBR Green-based qPCR. A novel hot-start mechanism significantly increases the specificity of real-time PCR and optimized chemistry produces accurate quantitative results from cDNA or gDNA on any real-time PCR cycler with detection of even a single target copy. Finally, a built-in visual indicator ensures correct pipetting.
For use with RT2 Profiler, RT2 lncRNA, EpiTect ChIP, and EpiTect Methyl II PCR Arrays, and qPCR Assays
RT2 SYBR Green qPCR Mastermixes are highly suited for real-time PCR applications using SYBR Green, and are required for guaranteed qPCR performance of the RT2 qPCR Primer Assays, RT2 Profiler PCR Arrays, RT2 lncRNA qPCR Assays, and RT2 lncRNA PCR Arrays. This Mastermix should be used in qPCR instruments under standard cycling conditions. RT2 SYBR Green qPCR Mastermixes are also suitable for use with EpiTect ChIP and EpiTect Methyl II qPCR Assays and PCR Arrays.
For highly sensitive, specific, and ultrafast, probe-based real-time PCR
Avoid the deleterious effects of mispriming at lower temperatures with the QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit. Based on a novel, antibody-mediated, hot-start mechanism, the kit enhances the specificity and efficiency of probe-based real-time PCR to provide accurate, singleplex or duplex, cDNA or gDNA analysis on various real-time PCR cyclers. The added convenience of extreme stability for up to 100 hours at room temperature, without a need for any cooling agent, makes it ideal for handling of high-throughput samples and automated workflows. An in-built tracking system for visual identification of correct pipetting gives you absolute peace of mind while the extreme sensitivity for even low target amounts ensures reliable qPCR results every time.
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