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EcoTech Biotechnology is a start-up company founded by 3 renowned academicians as one of the initiative national companies in the biotechnology field. EcoTech was established with a grant supported by The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and received grants from Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Turkey (KOSGEB). EcoTech is also currently supported by consultants of TIM-TEB Venture House.
EcoTech Biotechnology-專注於分子生物產品研發
EcoTech由 The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey ( TÜBİTAK ) 資助所成立。 以創新科技與環保為基礎,為分子生物學領域提供優質、環保、純淨、省時的產品,旨在滿足科學家和研究人員的需求。
幾年來,已成功開發以下幾類產品: "核酸萃取"、"細胞培養"、"蛋白質檢測"、"分生酵素"等,而"基因調控EndoGenius"系列尤為創新研發之專利產品、未來將持續研發與充實既有產品線。
EcoTech新推出全新產品 EndoGenius Assay ( EndoGenius Inducer / Suppressor Assay ),該產品採用了EcoTech 獨家技術,無需載體轉染即可實現對特定靶基因的調控,極大程度減少脫靶效應,並可實現基因家族的調控以及影響基因異構體的剪接變異。您只需提供基因ID和物種信息,即可定制專屬的強大基因表現工具。
For unparalleled results using SYBR Green-based Qpcr
Featuring enhanced specificity, sensitivity, speed, and process safety, the QuantiNova SYBR Green PCR Kit sets new standards in SYBR Green-based qPCR. A novel hot-start mechanism significantly increases the specificity of real-time PCR and optimized chemistry produces accurate quantitative results from cDNA or gDNA on any real-time PCR cycler with detection of even a single target copy. Finally, a built-in visual indicator ensures correct pipetting.
For use with RT2 Profiler, RT2 lncRNA, EpiTect ChIP, and EpiTect Methyl II PCR Arrays, and qPCR Assays
RT2 SYBR Green qPCR Mastermixes are highly suited for real-time PCR applications using SYBR Green, and are required for guaranteed qPCR performance of the RT2 qPCR Primer Assays, RT2 Profiler PCR Arrays, RT2 lncRNA qPCR Assays, and RT2 lncRNA PCR Arrays. This Mastermix should be used in qPCR instruments under standard cycling conditions. RT2 SYBR Green qPCR Mastermixes are also suitable for use with EpiTect ChIP and EpiTect Methyl II qPCR Assays and PCR Arrays.
For highly sensitive, specific, and ultrafast, probe-based real-time PCR
Avoid the deleterious effects of mispriming at lower temperatures with the QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit. Based on a novel, antibody-mediated, hot-start mechanism, the kit enhances the specificity and efficiency of probe-based real-time PCR to provide accurate, singleplex or duplex, cDNA or gDNA analysis on various real-time PCR cyclers. The added convenience of extreme stability for up to 100 hours at room temperature, without a need for any cooling agent, makes it ideal for handling of high-throughput samples and automated workflows. An in-built tracking system for visual identification of correct pipetting gives you absolute peace of mind while the extreme sensitivity for even low target amounts ensures reliable qPCR results every time.
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